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Sunday, October 16, 2016

Just When You Thought

Just When You Thought

Life has a way of throwing us curve balls from time to time. Getting us off our game if I may use a sports analogy.

We expect to travel through time with the sky being a continuous shade of blue, fluffy clouds floating by, beautiful flowers growing in the meadow, and the warm breeze blowing through our hair.

But there are those days when the sky turns gray, the clouds pour rain, there are no beautiful flowers, and the wind is blustery and cold.

Life is what you make it, your attitude determines your existence. Do you see the glass as being half full or half empty?

I’m a talker, yes one of those people who never meets a stranger, that’s me. 

Normally if I meet a stranger and a conversation is started, my first question is usually simple. Here’s how it might begin, “Where are you from” or “What kind of work do you do.”

I have found that people love to talk about themselves and I am no different. By asking a few simple questions I can determine if we have something in common.

On our recent Alaskan cruise and venture back across the vast western frontier, I got the opportunity to talk to a lot of people. My wife, Brenda, will usually leave me there, just talking away because she knows I will eventually catch up to her.

In Cody, Wyoming while touring the Buffalo Bill Museum, Brenda was going to take a picture of me beside a stuffed buffalo or one of the fabulous exits and this older lady asked if she could take the picture of both of us.

Now normally one might be concerned that they would get you in a pose and run away with your camera, but not this time for a couple of reasons. First, we were in a closed building with a lot of security cameras and second, she was just a sweet lady wanting to help.

Once the picture was snapped she smiled and said, “Are you folks from Tennessee?” I was beginning to think she was psychic till I realized I was wearing a cap with the big T on it. We began a conversation and discovered she and her husband are in their eighties, from Chicago and ride a three-wheel trike out west every year. It also came out they have a niece who graduated from UT making us a kindred spirit from the start.

Upon departing they assured us they would come visit when their travels take them into our area.

We stayed at a hotel in Bozeman, Montana and decided to take in breakfast at the local McDonald’s just across the street. While eating our Egg McMuffin, we noticed a group of seniors enjoying themselves a couple of tables away. 

When we had finished eating I walked over and told them that we were traveling through and wondered if they could tell us something about the area. One of the gentlemen immediately spoke up and said, “You from Atlanta” again making me a little uncomfortable thinking the new west may be full of psychics. 

After explaining I was originally from the mid-Georgia area, he explained his wife was from Atlanta giving me a feeling of relief. The group was very friendly and I discovered one of the gentleman was an author as am I, we exchanged books and discussed author business.

Then there was the couple that travels to Wyoming each year to hike in Yellowstone, or the couple from Philadelphia that comes out to work each year then return home after the busy season ends. The waitress that recognized us from our trip to the local Walmart earlier in the day and I could go on and on.

I tell you all of this to make a very valid point, people are friendly. Wherever you go you will find that almost everyone in this world want the same thing as you, to get along with each other and to enjoy life.

Sure you will run across those that have the muligrubs occasionally, but maybe they have never had anyone smile at them or take an interest in them. 

In todays world we seem to be so busy we have no time for anyone but ourselves. Even our children don't get our attention. We rush to work, rush home put the children to bed and crash into the chair or on the couch.

In the evenings, Brenda and I usually will walk around the neighborhood. This began as a means of exercise but now has gotten into a routine of seeing our neighbors and meeting them. We were told when we first moved into the neighborhood that some knew their neighbors but usually just saw them in the yard.

We decided to have a fall get-together so we could meet them all, now it is coming up on our third year of the outdoor get-together and people have begun to meet one another.

I love the Nissan commercial that came out several years ago, the slogan was, “Life is a journey, enjoy the ride.” We all need to enjoy the ride, we don’t know how long it will last.

Growing up, we knew our neighbors. We knew when someone was sick and people took food, cared for their children, basically looked out for them. 

People were friendly.

Today, I spoke with a lady on the telephone as I was ordering some parts for a trimmer. A very pleasant lady and during the lull as she was looking up the part I needed, I opened with my favorite line, “Where are you located.” You could hear the smile in her voice as she said, Nova Scotia.

The wheels in the brain started turning as I told her I had just Victoria BC  and had driven home across the West. Well, as you can imagine we had a pleasant conversation before hanging up and we both felt good because it was enjoyable.

I started this column with the words, “Just When You Thought…..” Well let me clarify them, just when you thought that people cannot be pleasant and enjoy other people, you find you are wrong.

Life is good as long as you decide to make it good.

Gotta go a telemarketer is calling and I’m going to make a new friend.

Life Happens

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